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Party Policy Comparison

Issue Saskatchewan Party NDP Saskatchewan United Buffalo Party Green

Sanctity of Human Life

  • The party’s official policy declaration is silent on abortion. However, under Scott Moe, the Sask Party government has fully supported abortion under the euphemism of “women’s reproductive rights”.
  • The Sask Party has always had a contingent of pro-life MLAs, some of whom have attended pro-life events, but the party leader recently punished a pro-life MLA for speaking at a pro-life dinner and expressing support for the cause.
  • Supports murdering children in the womb, without any restrictions, up to the moment of birth.
  • NDP is currently agitating to expand the number of surgical abortion killing centres in the province. It is demanding abortuaries be established in Prince Albert, Yorkton and North Battleford.
  • No official policy on abortion, but the party leader is a strong pro-lifer.
  • Party policy declaration contains strong pro-life policies, including a commitment to "minimizing the abortion rate" by supporting pregnant women.
  • Supports murdering children in the womb, without any restrictions, up to the moment of birth.
  • Its statement of Core Values strongly hinted that the party holds a human depopulation agenda of abortion and sterilization: "Eliminating the causes of population growth by... giving both men and women greater control over their fertility."

Funding Abortions

  • Supports diverting scarce taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to instead fund the murder of children in the womb.
  • In 2019, the Sask Party government caved under pressure from abortion activists and the NDP, and began funding abortion pills through the healthcare system, to kill even more preborn babies.
  • Supports diverting scarce taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to instead fund child murder in the womb.
  • No official policy on forcing taxpayers to fund the murder of children in the womb. However, the party leader said he's open to looking at defunding medically unecessary elective abortions.
  • Opposes the current government's policy of diverting taxpayer money away from genuine healthcare needs in order to pay for murdering children in the womb.
  • From the policy declaration: “Public funds shall not be allocated to elective abortions unless the physical life of the mother is at risk”.
  • Supports diverting scarce taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to instead fund the murder of preborn children.

Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones

  • In 2021, Scott Moe's Sask Party government passed an unconstitutional censorship law which criminalized free speech and peaceful protests within a 50-metre radius of every hospital in Saskatchewan. The bubble zone law banned citizens from protesting against the government’s tyrannical forced COVID injections, abortion and euthanasia, while allowing labour unions to continue protesting. Later on, Moe expanded these unconstitutional censorship zones to add 50-metre "no free speech" corridors outside of every Saskatchewan school.
  • Both censorship laws expired in 2023, and are no longer in effect.
  • In 2021, the NDP introduced a censorship, bubble zone law, Bill 608, to ban peaceful pro-life protests and prayer vigils within a radius of up to 150 metres of hospitals and abortuaries.
  • The bill would’ve made illegal the act of “expressing disapproval of abortion”, in any way, no matter, how polite or peaceful, including silent prayer.
  • No official policy on bubble zone censorship laws, such as those that exist in other provinces to silence pro-life expression on taxpayer-owned public sidewalks.
  • Appears to be a party that would oppose bubble zone censorship laws.
  • From their policy declaration: “We will freely exercise our inalienable rights and freedoms including the right to free speech … Recent examples of continued abuses by Government against the people of Canada include: Censoring free speech regarding vaccines, Covid treatments and policy.”
  • No official policy on "bubble zone" censorship laws.


  • To appease the powerful euthanasia lobby, in 2018, Moe’s government changed how it records euthanasia deaths. It stopped recording the cause of death for lethal injections as “medical assistance in dying” and now disguises these state-sanctioned killings as “unclassified”. Shamefully, this hides the epidemic of euthanasia killings from the public
  • In 2024, Scott Moe’s government stronly opposed Justin Trudeau’s plan to expand euthanasia to the depressed and mentally ill.
  • No official policy on euthanasia.
  • No official party policy on euthanasia, but the leader, Jon Hromek, is strongly opposed to these types of state-sanctioned killings.
  • Opposes euthanasia and views it as government abuse.
  • Believes people hurting and in need deserve government support, not killing.
  • No official policy on euthanasia.

Conscience Rights

  • No official policy on conscience rights for health-care workers to be able to refuse to participate in abortion, euthanasia or sex-change mutilation surgeries.
  • The party allows its MLAs free votes on matters of conscience.
  • No official policy on conscience rights for health-care workers to be able to refuse to participate in abortion, euthanasia or sex-change mutilation surgeries.
  • No official policy on conscience rights for health-care workers to be able to refuse to participate in abortion, euthanasia or sex-change mutilation surgeries. However, the party leader, Jon Hromek, told CLC that he would support conscience protection legislation.
  • No official policy on conscience rights for health-care workers to be able to refuse to participate in abortion, euthanasia or sex-change mutilation surgeries.
  • However, it does have a policy professing support for the “right to practice our faith.”
  • According to the previous leader, Victor Lau, the Green Party of Saskatchewan supports the idea of compelling health care workers to participate in abortion, even if it violates their religious beliefs and conscience. This policy was communicated in writing to CLC and we presume it is still official Green Party policy.

Parental Rights

  • Supports parental rights in education.
  • In 2023, the Sask Party government passed a strong “Parent Bill of Rights”, giving them more control over the moral education of their children, including:
    • Banned schools from hiding from parents intimate details about their children’s lives at school.
    • Schools must give 2 weeks notice before sex ed lessons are taught, and parent must be given the right to opt-out.
    • Permanently banned Planned Parenthood Regina from speaking at any Saskatchewan school after it was caught handing out pornographic sex cards to students.
    • Banned all third party groups from giving presentations relating to “sexual health”. All presentations must be made by teachers, going forward.
  • Opposes parental rights in education.
  • The NDP was strongly opposed to the Sask Party government’s “Parents Bill of Rights” law.
  • The NDP leader, Carla Beck, came to the defence of Planned Parenthood Regina, a sex-activist group which was banned by the Sask Party government for handing out pornographic sex cards to students. Beck believes that Planned Parenthood should not have been banned.
  • Supports parental rights in education
  • Is credited by many for pushing the Scott Moe government to pass the 'Parents Bill of Rights' law.
  • The 2024 election platform states that a Sask United government would introduce OPT-IN policies requiring parental approval for student participation in curriculum that broaches controversial subjects. This would be a welcome improvement to the current system where parents have to OPT-OUT, and are sometimes denied even the ability to do that much.
  • Supports parental rights in education.
  • Would prohibit classroom instruction on sex-ed, including lessons on anything related to “sexual orientation” and “gender ideology” with “children in fifth grade or younger.”
  • Parents have the right to opt out of “any curriculum they determine is counter to their values.”
  • Supports the rights of parents and guardians to be involved in “all medical decisions for their minor children”.
  • Opposes parental rights in education.
  • The Greens were strongly opposed to the Sask Party government’s Parents Bill of Rights, calling it an “attack on the Charter of Rights & Freedoms.”

Transgender Ideology

  • Admirably, the Sask Party opposed extreme gender ideology in schools by banning teachers from facilitating the “gender transition” of children without the express consent of the child’s parents. The parents permission will now be requested before their children under the age of 16 can use names and pronouns of the opposite sex.
  • Presumably, this policy would also require schools to obtain parental consent before referring children to a transgenderism-affirming psychologist who might start the underage child on puberty blockers.
  • On Oct. 17, 2024, the Sask Party announced that if elected, the first order of business woud be to establish a policy restricting students' use of change rooms in the province's schools to their biological sex. No longer will girls have their privacy rights violated by biological males who pose as female.
  • NDP supports transgender ideology with a cult-like, religious fervour.
  • Opposed the Sask Party legislation which now mandates that schools must obtain parental consent before sexually transitioning their children.
  • Opposed the Sask Party announcement that if elected, it will establish a policy restricting students' use of change rooms in the province's schools to their biological sex. The NDP believes that biological males have a so-called "right" to invade girls' intimate spaces where they undress and shower. 
  • The NDP leader has marched in homosexual and transgender "Pride" parades.
  • Opposes identity politics.
  • Party policy states: "We will remove ideology in the education curriculum ensuring schools are places of learning, not forums for activism and indoctrination."
  • Party policy states: " We will ban biological males from women’s only spaces, including changing rooms and bathrooms, so that young girls and women feel comfortable. Additionally, we will ensure that biological males do not participate in female sports in order to maintain fairness and to protect the integrity of women’s competitions."
  • In a CBC interview, the Sask United party leader suggested he would remove Gender Ideology and “Pride Week” celebrations from public schools, and instead, have teachers focus on core subjects like reading, writing, and arithmetic.
  • Would introduce legislation to criminalize any kind of sexualized performances in school, including drag shows, where minors are present.
  • Would direct the Dept. of Education and school personnel to inform parents of all counselling involving gender dysphoria.

  • Greens support transgender ideology with a cult-like, religious fervour.


  • Opposes giving provincial taxpayer dollars to fund the federally-approved drug dens where Trudeau’s Liberal government allows addicts to legally inject, snort, and ingest hard drugs like heroin, cocaine and fentanyl.
  • Banned provincially-run hospitals and public health clinics from supplying illegal narcotics.
  • In 2024, the Moe government ended its own practice of supplying crack pipes to addicts at the federally-approved drug dens.
  • Supports taxpayer funding of federally-approved drug dens where Trudeau’s Liberal government allows addicts to legally inject, snort, and ingest hard drugs like heroin, cocaine and fentanyl.
  • No official policy on hard drugs or state-sanctioned drug consumption sites. The decriminalization of hard drugs and establishment of legal drug dens only enables drug addiction, attracts crime, and destroys neighbourhoods, making them unsafe for families.
  • Opposes the legalization of hard drugs.
  • Wants to eliminate the presence of illegal narcotics in the province's correctional facilities.
  • Criticized the provincial government’s “How To” pamphlet instructing Saskatchewan citizens how to “safely” smoke crystal meth.
  • Supports diverting scarce health care tax dollars towards drug injection sites.
  • Wants to expand the number of drug injection sites across Saskatchewan, thus increasing the crime rate and destroying more communities in the process.
  • Signalling support for hard drug legalization, the policy platform says that Greens want to: “Treat drug addiction as a public health issue, not a felony.”

Cancel Culture

  • In 2022, the Sask Party government discouraged Saskatchewan schools from using an anti-Christian, anti-conservative “toolkit” developed by a Trudeau-funded, Liberal Party front group called the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN).

  • It appears this group’s modus operandi is to falsely accuse Christians, conservatives and those who disagree with Justin Trudeau’s policies, of being “hate groups”, “fascists” and “racists”, thus spreading hate while accusing others of doing so. In fact, an Ontario court agreed that CAHN is associated with the violent ANTIFA movement, which many consider to be a domestic terror group.

  • No official policy on cancel culture.
  • The Sask United's policy platform hints at plans to target cancel culture, suggesting that once in power, it will only allow accurate history to be taught in schools. The leader has made similar statements in interviews.
  • The Sask United leader, Jon Hromek, believes the Scott Moe government did not go far enough in simply “discouraging” Saskatchewan schools from using an anti-Christian, anti-conservative “toolkit” by a Trudeau-funded, Liberal Party front group called the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN). Hromek said he’d ban CAHN’s material from ever being allowed to enter Saskatchewan schools.
  • No official policy on cancel culture.
  • No official policy on cancel culture.
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