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Carla Beck

Carla Beck's "F" score as a party leader is based on assessment of her personal leadership on 10 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • Beck has voted the wrong way on moral issues during her time in the legislature.
Sanctity of Life
  • Beck proudly supports child murder via abortion. She disguises her unsavoury belief with the euphemism of supporting a woman’s “right to choose”.
Funding Abortions
  • Supports the abusive and unethical practice of diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to finance the murder of preborn childen instead.
Parental Rights
  • Beck opposes parental rights in education.
  • She was a vocal critic of the Sask Party’s “Parents Bill of Rights” which requires schools to obtain parental consent when children under age 16 wish to change their name or the gender pronouns used to address them. This bill she objected to also directs schools to give parents 2 weeks advance notice about the content of sex-ed lessons, and give them the option to opt their children out ahead of time.
  • Beck came to the defense of Planned Parenthood Regina, a sex-activist group which was banned by the Sask Party government for handing out pornographic sex cards to students. Beck stated that Planned Parenthood should not have been banned.
LGBTQ Ideology
  • Beck supports the anti-human ideology of the LGBT movement, and has marched in homosexual and transgender “pride” parades.
  • Her party introduced a motion which attempted to override parental consent when children want to adopt a transgender identity at school and use opposite sex names and pronouns.
  • On Oct. 17, 2024, Beck slammed the Sask Party's announcement that, if elected, it would establish a policy restricting students' use of change rooms in the province's schools to their biological sex. Ms. Beck believes that biological males have a so-called "right" to invade girls' intimate spaces where they undress and shower. 
Conscience Rights
  • Beck has made no official statement on conscience rights for health care workers.
Cancel Culture
  • Beck has not made any public statements that reveal her stance on woke cancel culture.
Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones
  • In 2021, Beck supported a pair of totalitarian censorship laws, Bill 48 and 66, which stripped Saskatchewan citizens of their right to freedom of expression throughout the province, by banning all peaceful protests or attempts to convey disapproval of government "health policy”, within 50-metres of every hospital and school in the province.
Covid Mandates
  • Beck enthusiastically supported the devastating government lock downs, abortion-tainted vaccine mandates, and a NAZI-style system of segregation using vaccine passports.
  • Beck supports taxpayer-funding of drug consumption sites where substance abusers are enabled in their addiction to heroin, crack, cocaine, crystal meth and fentanyl. This so-called “harm reduction” strategy has been disastrous, greatly increasing the number of drug addicts, overdose deaths, and attracting crime and chaos to the neighbourhoods in which these filthy drug dens are planted.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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