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Philip Zajac

Philip Zajac's "A-" score as a party leader is based on assessment of his personal leadership on 10 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • Zajac has never been elected so he has no voting record.
Sanctity of Life
  • Although Zajac has not personally stated he is pro-life, his Buffalo Party’s policy declaration holds a largely pro-life policy stance. It recognize the “right to life” and says it will “pursue a policy of minimizing the abortion rate”.
Funding Abortions
  • Zajac has not personally commented on taxpayer funding of abortion, but his party’s policy declaration states that it will defund all elective abortions wherever the mother’s life is not at risk.
Parental Rights
  • Zajac’s party has been a strong defender of parental rights in education.
  • Recognizes that parents are the primary decision makers when it comes to children's education; that parents have the right to opt out of any curriculum that they determine is counter to their values.
LGBTQ Ideology
  • Would prohibit classroom instruction on sex education, including issues related to “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” with children in fifth grade or younger
  • Would direct the Dept. of Education and school personnel to inform parents of all counselling involving gender dysphoria.
  • Would bring forth legislation to criminalize any sexualized shows - including drag queen performances - where minors are present.
Conscience Rights
  • No public stance revealing his position regarding conscience rights for health care workers, to protect them from coercion to commit or refer for abortions, euthanasia killing, or sex-changes.
Cancel Culture
  • No public statements on cancel culture.
Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones
  • Zajac has not made any public statements about the ‘no-free speech’ censorship zones legislated in 2021 by Premier Moe under Bills 48 and 66.
Covid Mandates
  • Opposes lock downs and vaccine segregation.
  • Opposes the decriminalization of hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, crack and fentanyl.
  • Criticized the provincial government’s “how to” pamphlet instructing Saskatchewan citizens how to “safely” smoke crystal meth.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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