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Jon Hromek

Jon Hromek's "A" score as a party leader is based on assessment of his personal leadership on 10 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • Hromek has never been elected so he has no voting record.
Sanctity of Life
  • Hromek identifies publicly as pro-life, and believes in the sanctity of every human life.
  • In conversation with CLC, he said he would consider supporting a provincial Adoption Awareness Campaign to help overcome the stigma of adoption, and to promote adoption as a loving choice.
  • Hromek rejects the narrative that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and that human activity will eventually overheat and destroy the earth. This narrative is being used by the UN, for example in the Paris Climate Accord, and by billionaires like Bill Gates to promote abortion and sterilization as a means to reduce the human population.
Funding Abortions
  • Hromek told CLC that given the under-funding of urgent healthcare needs, and the scarcity of healthcare tax dollars, he would be open to reviewing the funding status of any elective procedure that is not medically necessary, including abortion, sex changes and euthanasia.
  • Hromek acknowledged that provincial health insurance coverage should be based on genuine medical necessity to treat an injury, illness or disease, not on political correctness.
Parental Rights
  • Hromek has been a strong defender of parental rights in education
  • In a 2023 by-election, he campaigned on parental consent. His campaign - and impressive second place finish - is credited with forcing the Sask Party to pass the Parents’ Bill of Rights legislation.
  • Promised that a Hromek government would introduce OPT-IN policies requiring parental approval for student participation in curriculum that broaches controversial subject. This would be a welcome improvement to the current system where parents have to OPT-OUT, and are sometimes denied even the ability to do that.
LGBTQ Ideology
  • In a CBC interview, Hromek suggested he would remove Gender Ideology and “Pride Week” celebrations from public schools, and instead, have teachers focus on core subjects like reading, writing, and arithmetic.
  • Pledged that the Sask United Party “will ban biological males from women’s only spaces, including changing rooms and bathrooms, so that young girls and women feel comfortable”.
  • Will also ensure that biological males do not participate in female sports, in order to maintain fairness and to protect the integrity of women’s competitions.
Conscience Rights
  • Hromek told CLC that he would support conscience rights legislation for health care workers, so that they cannot be coerced into committing or referring for abortions, euthanasia or sex-changes.
Cancel Culture
  • Hromek believes the Scott Moe government did not go far enough in simply “discouraging” Saskatchewan schools from using an anti-Christian, anti-conservative “toolkit” by a Trudeau-funded, Liberal Party front group called the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN). Hromek said he’d ban CAHN’s material from ever being allowed to enter Saskatchewan schools.
  • In a CBC interview, Hromek strongly implied that he disagrees with the Marxist cancel culture that’s so rampant in society today. Specifically, he disagrees with attempts to trash Canada’s proud pioneer heritage, to cancel Canadian historical figures by painting them all as racist. He also disagrees with the left’s ongoing attempt to use a distorted and sensationalized history of residential schools for the purpose of fomenting hatred between people today.
Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones
  • Hromek has not made any public statements about the ‘no-free speech’ censorship zones legislated in 2021 by Premer Moe under Bills 48 and 66. These laws stripped Saskatchewan citizens of their right to freedom of expression throughout the province, by banning all peaceful protests or attempts to convey “disapproval” of government "health policy”, within 50-metres of every hospital and school in the province.
Covid Mandates
  • Hromek told CLC he opposed the devastating lock downs and NAZI-style system of segregation using vaccine passports that was imposed during the COVID era by the Moe government.
  • Hromek is critical of the Saskatchewan Party’s record on illicit drug use, provincial overdose rates, and the opioid crisis, but has not stated explicitly if he would shut down Saskatchewan’s public drug dens where addicts can legally inject heroin, snort cocaine, smoke crack, and consume fentanyl, among other hard drugs. These drug dens enable addiction and destroy the neighbourhoods in which they’re planted, attracting crime, chaos and making communities unsafe for families.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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