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Scott Moe

Scott Moe's "F+" score as a party leader is based on assessment of his personal leadership on 10 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • Moe has a mixed voting record during his time in the legislature.

Sanctity of Life
  • Moe describes himself as “personally pro-life”, but under his watch, allowed abortion to expand in Saskatchewan. He has also reassured the pro-abortion media that his “personal beliefs” will not influence him to restrict the practice of murdering preborn children, in any way.
  • Moe justified his inaction in stopping preborn baby murder by falsely implying that abortion is legal in Canada, stating: “As long as we’re a province within the Dominion of Canada, we’ll be following that law”. The truth however, is that Canada has no abortion law on the books – we’re literally a lawless nation. Furthermore, the Supreme Court of Canada has never proclaimed that a “right to abortion” exists. To the contrary, it has affirmed that Parliament has a legitimate interest in protecting fetal life.
  • Shamefully, Moe punished a pro-life MLA for having giving a speech at a pro-life event, and forced the MLA to apologize for having expressed support for the pro-life movement’s goal of restoring legal protection to preborn children.
  • In October 2024, Moe announced that if re-elected, his government would pay 50% of the first round of IVF treatments for SK residents. IVF is an immoral procedure which necessarily results in the killing of many embryonic human children for every child that ends up being successfully implanted. It also removes procreation from the marital act, thus violating God’s plan for human sexuality.
Funding Abortions
  • Moe supports the abusive and unethical practice of diverting taxpayer dollars away from genuine healthcare needs, to finance medically unnecessary, elective abortions instead.
  • Under the Moe administration, the province started funding the chemical abortion pill in 2019, thus causing even more Saskatchewan children to be killed in-utero.
Parental Rights
  • Moe has been a strong defender of parental rights in education.
  • He passed a powerful “Parents Bill of Rights” which requires schools to obtain parental consent when children under age 16 wish to change their name or the gender pronouns used to address them. It also directs schools to give parents 2 weeks advance notice about the content of sex-ed lessons, and give them the option to opt their children out ahead of time. He even protected the new law from judicial overreach by invoking the notwithstanding clause.
  • Moe’s government permanently banned the radical sex-activist Planned Parenthood organization from speaking at any Saskatchewan school.
LGBTQ Ideology
  • Moe passed legislation requiring schools to inform parents ahead of time about all sexuality lessons or presentations, including those dealing with gender identity theory, gender expression and sexual orientation, and gives them the ability to opt-out ahead of time. This is a valuable protection against LGBT grooming in the classroom, which is rampant.
  • On Oct. 17, 2024, Moe announced that if re-elected as Premier, his first order of business would be to establish a policy restricting students' use of change rooms in the province's schools to their biological sex. No longer will girls have their privacy right violated by biological males who pose as female.
  • Unfortunately, Moe has celebrated homosexual and transgender “Pride Month” on social media.
Conscience Rights
  • Moe has stated he would allow free votes for his MLAs on matters of conscience like abortion and euthanasia.
Cancel Culture
  • In 2022, the Moe government discouraged Saskatchewan schools from using an anti-Christian, anti-conservative “toolkit” developed by a Trudeau-funded, Liberal Party front group called the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN).
  • This group’s modus operandi appears to be falsely accusing Christians, conservatives and those who disagree with Justin Trudeau’s policies, of being “hate groups”, “fascists” and “racists”, thus spreading hate while accusing others of doing so. In fact, an Ontario court agreed that CAHN is associated with the violent ANTIFA movement, which many consider to be a domestic terror group.
Anti-Free Speech Bubble Zones
  • In 2021, Moe passed a pair of totalitarian censorship laws, Bill 48 and 66, which stripped Saskatchewan citizens of their right to freedom of expression throughout the province, by banning all peaceful protests or attempts to convey "disapproval" of government "health policy”, within 50-metres of every hospital and school in the province. At the same time, labour unions were permitted to continue protesting in these zones.
Covid Mandates
  • Moe implemented devastating lock downs, abortion-tainted vaccine mandates, and a NAZI-style system of segregation using vaccine passports.
  • Moe recently pledged not to use taxpayer dollars to fund drug dens where addicts are enabled to inject heroin, snort cocaine, smoke crack, and consume all manner of hard drugs.
  • His government is banning hospitals and public clinics from supplying illegal drugs to addicts.
  • In 2024, Moe ended his government's harmful policy of supplying hospitals and drug dens with free crack pipes.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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